Specific Author Search

A “Specific Author Search” is an online search of the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s Medline™ database that is intended to retrieve all citations of journal articles that were authored or co-authored by a specific individual.

Over the years, Medifocus Legal has performed hundreds of specific author searches for attorneys who wished to verify the publication track records of medical experts who have been retained for case reviews and testimony. Although medical experts usually provide attorneys with a copy of their curriculum vitae (CV), in some cases the publications listed in the expert’s CV are either not up-to-date, while in other cases the information may not be accurate.

Performing a specific author search is “good legal practice” because it ensures both the accuracy and completeness of the publications listed by a particular medical expert on their CV.

Ordering a Specific Author Search from Medifocus Legal is easy and takes less than 5 minutes:

  • Call us toll-free at 800-965-3002
  • Tell us the name of the medical expert (author) and their specialty area.
  • We’ll work with you to set the search parameters to ensure that you receive the exact information you need. For example, some attorneys wish to retrieve all publications authored by a particular medical expert, while others only want those publications that are relevant to the medical issue(s) of the specific case.
  • In most cases, we can produce and deliver the results of your Specific Author Search in 48 hours or lessGuaranteed!
For more information about our Specific Author Search services, please call us toll-free at 800-965-3002.